Race 6 - Autumn Series - Ocean Race

Event information

This event has passed.

Yachties kiosk will be open for takeaway breakfast and coffee from 8am. Our fortnightly club race is a great opportunity for more competitive sailing but in a fun, casual manner.

Race 6 of the Autum series is an Ocean Race for the long weekend. This race will also count towards the 2022 Ocean Series as well as the Autumn series.

The forecast for the weekend is for very strong & gusty westerly winds, which should make for a quick and interesting race to Shellharbour and return.

As with most of our Ocean races it will be a Pursuit start - Start times (from 9am onwards) will be posted Here. Skippers will be sent a race briefing at 8am on Sunday morning- don't forget to submit your sign-on form and text your finish time to Travis (0418 190 191).

Don't forget if you are looking for Crew or a Boat you can email the CrewConnect@wyc.org.au group email (if you aren't already in the group, drop John Lane an email on crew@wyc.org.au).

Looking forward to seeing you there.