
Back to Sailing at WYC from 7th June

Published Thu 21 May 2020

The NSW Office of Sport has advised us that it will not be following the National Cabinet endorsed Framework for Rebooting Sport in a COVID-19 Environment developed by the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) on Friday 1 May 2020. It will instead rely solely on the NSW Public Health Orders. Today’s update provides for further details due to an exemption from the 4m2 rule for recreational boating, provided 1.5m social distancing that it is still maintained as reasonably practicable. The Office of Sport has clarified that Sailing events are now also permitted, provided that the Public Health Orders are adhered to.

Australian Sailing are recommending all clubs combine on a joint collective to return to club organised activities from Friday 5th June 2020 provided clubs have their risk assessments etc in place. The pandemic is proving to be a very fluid situation, and restrictions may increase/decrease at any time depending on government restrictions.

What does this now mean for our sailing clubs?

  • Get in, Sail and get out;
  • Club activities including racing can resume as long as the Public Health Order is complied with.
  • Outdoor activities only;
  • Limit activities to small individual groups with a maximum of 10 participants (inclusive of coaches and support staff);
  • Practice good hand hygiene before and after sailing;
  • Avoid physical contact;
  • Changerooms, canteens and kitchens should remain closed – arrive dressed and ready to sail;
  • Stay home if you are unwell
  • Don’t share drinks or towels;
  • Sharing of equipment should be avoided and if necessary, should be kept to a minimum;
  • Keep a distance of 1.5 metres where reasonably practicable; and
  • Follow the one person per 4 square metres rule ashore to ensure sufficient physical distancing between people;
  • Contact Tracing records must be kept.
  • Encourage the use of COVIDSafe App whilst at your club.

Please refer to full notice to clubs online here

Find attached various documents which will assist your club in developing your COVIDSafe return to sailing plan. We have updated these documents as best as possible for the current situation.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.

Many thanks
