
Clubhouse works update

Published Sat 10 Nov 2018

Having obtained our development consent to use our building as a yacht club and kiosk there is a list of work that has to be done to met the conditions of that consent. First step was to get a Construction Certificate. This has now been issued by Tony Lewis of Accredited Inspection Services.

Over the next few weeks we will see some changes to our clubhouse to improve safety and efficiency and comfort of the buidling for members. These include

  1. combining the toilet and shower and just using what is now the door to the shower. This will remove congestion around the food prep area and avoid having the door swinging out into the hapless passer by
  2. installing exit signs so we can find out way out in the event of fire. These also provide emergency lighting in event of blackout.
  3. installing a dedicated handwash basin for the food prep staff
  4. installing paper towel and soap dispensers to the basin in the toilet
  5. lining the wall behind the coffee machine to make it easier to clean
  6. connecting the ice machine

Most of the work is being done by Don and we should all thank him for all the time he spends fixing up our clubhouse instead of looking after his other customers
