
Committee Meeting Notes

Published Fri 17 Aug 2018

Notes from WYC Committee Minutes

Meeting Date: Wednesday 15 August 2018           Time:  6:00pm to 8.00pm

Present:  Stephen (Chair), John S., Kate, Chris, Bob Maxine (minutes). Quorum confirmed.

In attendance: Gotham

Apologies:  nil

Confirmation of minutes 

Nominations received for new members:  No new members

Items on Notice for Decision



  1. Appointment of Kerry Rourke of Planscapes to prepare Statement of Environmental Impacts for the pontoon for the sum of $2,700

This was a necessary part of the application process for the DA. Bob moved to accept Kerry Rourke to undertake the preparation of the Statement and Kate seconded the motion. The committee agreed that Kerry Rourke would prepare the Statement of Environmental Impacts for the pontoon for the sum of $2,700.

  1. Purchase of blinds for upstairs for $1,000

Kate had arranged a quote for the purchase of blinds. They are charcoal with 50% blockage and heat reduction. The committee agreed that it was important to have the upstairs more useable for members and the blinds would assist. It was suggested that the cost for blinds with 75% block out be determined and if the cost was similar to purchase them otherwise to remain with the 50% blockout. The Committee agreed for payment of $1,000 for purchase of blinds.

New Items on Notice for Discussion



  1. Claim for damage to Sea Dog

In April damage occurred to Sea Dog when on the mooring. The matter is currently with the Insurance companies for Sea Dog and the Club, as the damaged occurred when Sea Dog was on a Club mooring.



  1. Allocation of vacant mooring:

There is a current vacant mooring since Marinka’s departure. The Dive boat will be using this mooring until September. There are 3 applications for a mooring. Bob will be in contact with each applicant and a decision will be made at the next meeting on the most appropriate boat for the vacant mooring.

  1. Safety day

Chris has been organizing a safety day event for club members, their guests, and community members for Saturday 1 September.  There will be audits undertaken by Steve Lipman (bookings will be required), presentations by Genevieve about safety courses, and Maritime will demonstrate flares and life jackets usage. Marine rescue will also do a presentation and possibly Cliff will talk on the new slipway opening.

Chris will complete the flier with details of times and provide to Kate, Stephen and Bob. He has organised for a family friend to take photos of the event.

Kate will contact the Mercury and WIN 4 to promote the event and send out details on facebook. Emails will be sent to members on the event as well as Illlawarra Yacht Club and Port Kembla Sailing Club.  Bob will provide copies of the program at the next sailing race day to members.

There will be sausage sandwiches to start the day and snacks at lunchtime for attendees organised by Gotham.

The event will occur at the Clubhouse at the front and if the weather is inclement, it will occur upstairs.

  1. Legacy sail day in Jan 19

This is an event which has been run in previous years. Les approached the Club on whether the Club would be willing to take about 20 Legacy teenagers out for a sail on 19 January. Les will organise life jackets for the participants. The committee agreed that this was a worthwhile activity and that it should occur again. 

  1. Membership cards

There was discussion on whether the club should purchase membership cards. Benefits would include providing to new members and enabling the café to provide special deals to members, such as reduced costs for food on Saturdays and for drinks on Sundays. There is some difficulty in ascertaining who is a member amongst all the people purchasing goods at the cafe. There was also concern expressed by John about another card and whether it would be useful. The majority of the committee decided that the club would have membership cards which would be the size of a credit card.

  1. Purchase of PFD for discover sailing

The committee discussed the importance of Discover sailing casual members being aware of safety at sea and in support of the skippers who take out these members, it was considered important that the Club provides life jackets to each member. It was decided that the foam jackets rather than the PFD would be the most appropriate and that 5 jackets would suffice.



Matters arising from previous minutes




  1. Slipway update

Stephen stated that Cliff Lewis has been issued with a letter of invitation to run the slipway. He has a meeting with Crown Lands next week to discuss the steps for getting the slipway operational.

  1. Pontoon update

Applications have been sent to Department of Fisheries and Road and Maritime. A response has been received from Roads and Maritime and more information was provided to the Department of Fisheries. A draft Heritage Plan has been completed which is also necessary for the pontoon application. It needs to be finalized. The EIS is to be completed by Kerry Rourke.  The forms from Department of Fisheries, Roads and Maritime, and the Heritage Plan and EIS must all be sent with accompanying plans to Crown Lands for their approval prior to the DA being submitted to Council.  It was noted that the Master Plan has positioned a pontoon in the same position as proposed in this submission.

  1. DA for Yacht Club – update

A response was received from the Office of Environmental Heritage and their concerns pertained to the colours of the umbrellas and whether the marquee is a permanent structure.  It was suggested that the Club requests an exemption for each marquee use rather than a general inclusion in the DA. The committee decided to remove the marquee from the DA application.

  1. Issue of new sailing instructions for 18/19 year

Two new buoys have been placed with the one at Towradgi relocate with more chain and rope.  The courses have not been completed using the new buoys.

  1. Mooring holder participation – update

It is about 6 months since the last mooring holder participation rates and as such a review will occur for the next meeting.




  1. Commodores dinner format

This will occur on 19 October at the Boat Harbour function rooms.  The Commodore’s dinner will be the last opportunity to determine whether they continue in the future. The committee decided it will depend on numbers. All committee members are to encourage participation of members and their guests at this function. Advertising has already commenced in emails.

  1. Insurance of boats update

Bob stated that he had received a copy of the insurance papers from most boats but there were a few still outstanding.

  1. New member welcome pack update

Kate has been compiling a welcome pack for new members. She has included the history of the Club, the mission statement, information about Australia Day regattas, goals and a Commodore’s letter. The new membership card will also be included.

  1. New website and member system – update

Kate and Stephen have done a lot of work on the new website which is now operating. Maxine said that the new membership site is a great improvement and all paid members for 2018/2019 have been uploaded.

  1. Securing of café in windy conditions

This continues to be a problem. The tables used are problematic and are to be removed. Discussion on placing chairs outside around the small tables was considered as it shows the place is operating. Little can be done until the DA is completed.  Consideration of appropriate furniture for windy areas can then occur.




  1. Draft harbour master plan feedback. WYC opinion :


Wollongong Harbour is the active working heart of the city—it is the city’s playground and event space. Marine, tourism and recreation uses will continue to coexist within the harbour, providing activation and economic opportunities consistent with its historical use and purpose.

Are these the items we want to push for change /agree with?

    1. Removal of boat ramp – mooring maintenance?
    2. Provision of safe swimming areas
    3. Provision for kayak launching
    4. Boat repairs facilities limited to 10 yrs
    5. New building to central pier
    6. Reconfiguration of breakwaters / marina (not on implementation plan). Additional watercraft storage. No provision to increase boat numbers in masterplan considering Wollongong has a critical shortage of boat storage
    7. Pontoon to harbour edge is not on implementation plan but is on master plan?
    8. Removal of rock to increase harbour depth not in master plan but is on opportunities

Missing items?

  1. Provide sewerage to central pier
  2. Upgrade electricity and water services to berths in the basin
  3. Visitor berth with sewer pump-out in opportunities but not on master plan
  4. Provisions to reduce surge in the harbour
  5. Navigation marks improvements?
  6. What becomes of the old pilots slipway?
  7. Over topping of breakwaters
  8. Sealing of northern breakwater and lighting
  9. Traffic/parking management- especially as it increases over time
  10. Integration of events into harbour operation

Master plan mainly about land not harbour

But still we need master plan to proceed

There was extensive discussion of each of the points listed in the item prepared by Stephen.  

From this discussion the Committee determined the issues needing to be addressed and/or included in the draft harbour master plan. 

These priorities were based on the principle that the master plan needs to facilitate improvements to water based activities for a working harbour. 

The first priority was the requirement for the slipway and hardstand to remain in the working harbour. This would mean that the walkway is not a useful addition to the workings of the harbour.

Secondly, the Wollongong Yacht Club needs to have facilities, whether the existing facility or in the new building.

Thirdly, the need for facilities such as a sewer pump out, electricity and water access, and an accessible place for a tender for Club members and guests.

Fourthly, parking for boat owners is a requirement to ensure there is access to boats in the harbour.

Fifthly, it was fully supported the addition of an employee to support the functions in the harbour.

Agreement was also on the need to improve the overall facilities in the harbour for all the water sports and general community.  These were:

  1. to improve the general facilities such as toilets and showers.
  2. to seal the northern breakwater to enable easier walking.
  3. to increase the length of the southern breakwater to reduce surge and restrict the green water.
  4. to increase the harbour depth by removal of rock which would enable larger boats to access the harbour.
  5. to improve rubbish removal in the harbour area, both in water and along the foreshore.

The committee discussed encouraging members to submit their own feedback to the Master Plan.

Other business if time permits:-




Upcoming event


On 4 November there will be the MS Sydney to Gong bike race as well as a Wollongong run. This means that the access to the harbour will be closed from 7.45am to 10am and after this time access will be via Harbour Street.   There will be traffic controls.

Our Goals for coming 12 months

  1. Increase membership to 100
  2. Increase number of boats in races
  3. Develop an event with Cronulla Sailing club, possibly on a long weekend
  4. Complete installation of pontoon
  5. Complete DA for building

Next Meeting   Wednesday 19th September 18