
Committee Meeting Notes

Published Thu 09 Aug 2018

Notes from Management Committee Meeting

Meeting Date: Wednesday 18 July 2018                  Time:  6:00pm to 8.00pm

Present:  Stephen (Chair), John S., Kate, Chris, Maxine (minutes). Quorum confirmed

Apologies:  Bob

Confirmation of minutes 

Nominations received for new members: The committee accepted the nominations for membership for

  • Robert Holdsworth
  • Simone Dighton
  • David Turnbull
  • Wayne Hamilton.

New Items on Notice for Discussion



  1. New website and member system

Stephen had sent the web site connection to committee members to review the new site. It is more extensive than the current website with greater potential for other actions, such as booking of facilities, online payments and memberships. Kate has been working on photos, a welcome pack for new members and content. Chantelle is the contact person. More work to be done for face book. The new website will be live in a couple of weeks.

  1. Safety audit. Repercussions for discover sailing

Rikki Tikki and Big Blue had an audit done by Steve Lipman for Cat 5 on the previous Saturday. Discussion on repercussions in club activities, including taking out discover sailing casual members, if a boat doesn’t meet Cat 5 standard. It   was decided that it was important that all boats in the club would be contacted to arrange for an audit. 

  1. Securing of café in windy conditions. What can we do to improve things

Goutham raised concerns of tables and chairs moving and ending in the water when there were strong winds. There was discussion on how to structure a barricade on the south side or a net on the north side of the patio area.  The café barricades are currently being placed on the north side. There was consideration of a temporary fence or more solid furniture however it was important to await for a DA before proceeding on further actions. There was discussion of securing the tables to the cement floor tiles as a more immediate measure. The tables would need to be placed in set positions.

  1. Review of member feedback survey – copy of responses attached

There were only a couple of members with negative responses with the main issue being the need to improve safety but without detail.


  1. Draft harbour master plan feedback is open from Thursday

The plan is meant to be released on the next day. Feedback is necessary.

  1. Bank account signatories – need to remove Colin and add someone. Who?

John offered to be the third bank account signatory.

Matters arising from previous minutes



  1. Slipway update

It was reported that sign off is stuck on someone’s table in Crown Lands.

  1. Pontoon, progress

Maxine reported that Dept of Fisheries required more pictures of the harbour floor where the pontoon was to be positioned.  Dave Byrnes agreed to take some photos and these have been forwarded to Fisheries. A request was also made to Seaslip for further details on the specs for fitting the pontoon to the harbour floor. When received this will be sent to Dept of Fisheries. The first Certificate of Expenditure has to be done and an appointment with Council for the DA needed to be organised.

There was a meeting with Department of Crown Lands, who expressed their need to consider the long term positions of the moorings in the harbour.  They indicated that they were going to arrange for a consultant to review the moorings in the next 12 months. 

  1. DA Approval for Yacht Club – update

This is progressing. Only issue was about need for a roof over the BBQ. Only 1 objection to the DA.

  1. Permanent race marks

These have been placed out.

  1. Issue of new sailing instructions for 18/19 year

These need to be completed with pictures and new courses.

  1. Commodores dinner format

There was extensive discussion on whether to proceed with the Commodores dinner or not. There was positive response from the committee. It was considered that it would be continued for one last year and if there are insufficient numbers it would cease to occur. Each committee member will have a role in encouraging attendance from members and their partners and friends.

  1. New member welcome pack

Kate explained that she was preparing a welcome pack for new members. This included a letter from the Commodore, the goals of the club, the committee members and their contact details, the history of the club and its facilities.

Our Goals for coming 12 months

  1. Increase membership to 100
  2. Increase number of boats in races
  3. Develop an event with Cronulla Sailing club, possibly on a long weekend
  4. Complete installation of pontoon
  5. Complete DA for building

Next Meeting   Wednesday 15th August 18