
Duty Roster Race Days 2020

Published Sat 19 Sep 2020

Roster Duty - Sharing the Load 

Our activities have increased a lot over the past few years and we need to share the workload. So as foreshadowed we are bringing back the old duty boat roster. Whereas once it was the beach barbecue now it is driving Trim and positioning the start buoy.

Each boat will need to supply a competent person (thank you all who did the training last month) to do Trim duties in the morning and afternoon. This person will need to be ready to go by 9:30am so everyone has plenty of time to get to their boats. If you do not have a competent person please speak to Dave Turnbull about getting trained.

The roster is simply arranged in alphabetical order. If you cannot commit to your date please swap with someone else.
Duty Roster – Sunday Race Days 2020

Race Date Duty Boat
Spring race 6 20 Sept 20 Bella
October Long weekend Race Day 3 Oct to 5 Oct 20 Big Blue and
October Long weekend Race Day   Cleanskin
Spring race 7 11 Oct 20 Crosswind
Summer race 1 25 Oct 20 Double D
Summer race 2 8 Nov 20 Fire and Ice
Summer race 3 22 Nov 20 Legaleze
Summer race 4 6 Dec 20 Merlot
Race 17 Jan 21 Siena
Race   Swagger
Race   Rikki Tikki