
Trim has gone electric

Published Wed 20 Oct 2021

The club tender, Trim, has been re-powered with a new electric inboard motor to replace the original two-stroke petrol engine; which after many years of service had become notoriously unreliable.

The electric motor glides Trim along at hull speed deceptively peacefully; Not only do your teeth not rattle in your head, but you can actually hold a conversationq without shouting.

With zero emissions, this is a significant environmental improvement on the two-stroke. We will also be looking into solar power options for clean renewable re-charging.

Many members have been instrumental in getting the electric motor installed and running; in particular Don Humphries with much assistance from Travis Green, not to mention a great job by a mystery seamstress on the control box cover. Trim slips effortlessly through the water thanks to a scrape and antifoul by Bill Watson.

Thanks to everyone (too many to name) who has contributed their time and experience to this project from the original concept through to final commissioning. There are still some details to be finalised, but it's great to see Trim operational in electric mode.