Join Now

Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

To join Wollongong Yacht Club just click on one of the buttons at the bottom of this page;

  • If you have previously been a member of a sailing club or registered for a sailing course, you probably already have an Australian Sailing number - click the "Returning Member" button.
  • otherwise, if you haven't been a member of a sailing club or registered for a sailing course - click the "New Member" button.

Don't remember your Australian Sailing number? Or not sure if you've got one?  Click here to look it up.

Payment is made via credit card or PayPal. You can see the list of membership types and fees here.

It is necessary to be a sailing, student, or junior member to participate in Wollongong Yacht Club sailing events. Membership fees go toward providing the facilities for members. Your membership also provides personal accident insurance should the unlikely happen and you are hurt while sailing.

If you are under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian must authorise your application for membership. For persons under 16, you must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or authorised responsible adult. The committee reserves the right to decline applications for membership.


Not ready to sign up just yet?

Our SailPass membership may be for you......

SailPass is an easy cost effective way to go sailing at WYC.  SailPass is for people with sailing experience who wish to experience sailing at WYC but do not wish to commit to a full annual membership. It's a form of introductory membership where you pay for membership by the day. Just $15 a day and you can register for up to five days.

SailPass can be used for either of our Sunday race days or social days.

Click one of the buttons at the bottom of the page, enter your details and follow the prompts; select "SailPass Membership" at Steps 2 & 3.

Use the calendar to select up to 5 Sundays when you intend to sail. Payment is made by credit card or PayPal at the end of the registration ($15/day).

This SailPass membership will provide you with personal injury insurance for the day/s that you are registered ONLY.

Been invited by a skipper? If you have been invited by a WYC skipper select "Guest of Member" at Step 3.


Are you ready to upgrade to Full Membership?

If you have been sailing with us as a "Guest of Member" or SailPass Temporary Member, you can upgrade to full membership anytime; just Log In to your account via the website (using login details emailed to you when you first applied for SailPass - or click Forgot login details?), then click upgrade in the profile section and select Special Introductory first year full membership (or Special Introductory first year student membership - if you are a full-time student).

Any fees you have already paid for SailPass membership will be deducted from your membership upgrade invoice.