
Our proposed awning and the heritage objections

As you are all aware we are having difficulty getting heritage approval of the awning over the paved area at the club. Here is correspondence from our local member Paul Scully and Wollongong City Council

Draft Wollongong Harbour Master Plan

The Wollongong Harbour Draft Master Plan wet to Wollongong City Council for endorsement last Monday. You can read the report to Council and the draft master plan here. 

Annual General Meeting 2019

If you missed it you did miss a great night. The weather was perfect for us, the meeting was short and the food was good. 

March committee meeting

No committee meeting was held in March as Maxine, Bob and John were all away on holidays and Kate was in South Australia

January Committee Meeting

For all the big decisions at the Jan committee meeting this is not to be missed if you want to know the goings on around the club

Maritime Infrastructure Plan

The NSW Government recently released its Maritime Infrastructure Plan for 2019 to 2024. This plan includes Wollongong Harbour

Defibrillator for WYC

Well done Maxine on Securing yet another grant for the WYC - this time for a defibrillator. Hopefully it will never be needed but if it is it could be life saving.

Harbour Master Plan Themes

NSW Crown Lands have provided us with the key themes from the exhibition of the draft master plan.

Grant Application Success

We have just received notification from Member for Wollongong, Paul Scully, that WYC has been awarded $15,000 under the NSW Community Building Partnership program. This will provide a much needed cover to our outdoor area.