
Clubhouse works update

Having obtained our development consent to use our building as a yacht club and kiosk there is a list of work that has to be done to met the conditions of that consent. First step was to get a Construction Certificate.

Self Testing Your PFD

A really good guide that Chris found on how to test your PFD at home correctly

Slipway to re-open

Yesterday NSW Crown Lands issued Cliff Lewis of Top Deck Marine Pty Ltd with an invitation to operate the slipway and boatyard at Wollongong Harbour. This is a great outcome for Wollongong boat owners after years of hard work to make this a reality.

Commodore's Dinner 18

This years Commodore's Dinner will be on Friday 19th October. This year it will be a break away from previous years with a new and innovative format.

Wollongong Harbour Master Plan

The draft Wollongong Harbour Master Plan is now on public exhibition. This plan is critical to the future of our club and does provide an ambitious way forward.

Kiama Weekend

Our weekend sail away to Kiama is now less than 6 weeks away, get ready!

Dinghies back to their old home

With the opening of the tramway stage of the Blue Mile by Council the dinghies have now been moved back to their old location along the wall.

Boat Insurance

Bob Cooper is currently updating our records of yacht insurance